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June 2019 Bikenridge Useletter

By bikenridge | May 30, 2019

JUNE IN BIKENRIDGE Mother Nature is working with us!  What a difference a day makes!  The header photo above was taken on May 30th.  Five (5) inches of new snow. No complaints here.  I’d rather see a few inches of snow and low fire danger than tornados and floods. The photo below was taken on May […]

May 2019 Bikenridge Useletter

By bikenridge | May 1, 2019

MAY IN BIKENRIDGE Hey All!  May in the high country is generally a lesson in patience. A few die-hard mountain bikers and road riders are out, bundled up and riding the Recpath and dirt roads getting their legs back in shape for the season.  May can be sunny and warm or cold and wet.  It’s a major […]

cycle effect

The Cycle Effect

By bikenridge | May 1, 2019

The Cycle Effect is a program that wants to empower girls and changing their lives through mountain biking. A peek into their early season training with Coach Carla Johnson

April 2019 Bikenridge Useletter

By bikenridge | March 31, 2019

APRIL IN BIKENRIDGE Hi All! APRIL IS HERE! If you are a Breckenridge fan, and likely you are if you’re getting this newsletter, then you already know that Breck has received more than 370″ of snow this season.  Amazing!  Recently, Breck has seen some sunny days, higher temps and packed trails which are a fine cocktail for […]

October 2018 Bikenridge Useletter

By bikenridge | October 1, 2018

OCTOBER IN BIKENRIDGE OCTOBER IS HERE!  I say it every year, but wow that went fast! I must admit it was one of the best summers on record!  The Fall Foilage this season was spectacular. I hope you were able to get out there and enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells.  We are so fortunate to […]

September 2018 Bikenridge Useletter

By bikenridge | September 1, 2018

SEPTEMBER IN BIKENRIDGE It’s hard to believe, but September arrived today in all of its crisp and moist glory.  With the recent rain, the trails are ripe for riding with “hero” dirt for all.  I am fighting the sense that summer is coming to a close.  I feel like I am just hitting my stride and the […]

August 2018 Bikenridge Useletter

By bikenridge | August 1, 2018

AUGUST IN BIKENRIDGE AUGUST IN BIKENRIDGE means long days and cool nights, BBQs and BIG RIDES with friends. We live for the days when we have no responsibilities, can unplug, click-in, ride until we wreck ourselves and then come back to a beer, great food, and belly-laughs.  I have been enjoying the times when I have […]

big ride breckenridge

Big Rides in Breckenridge

By bikenridge | July 30, 2018

Big Rides in Breckenridge.  “There is no trail, you just ride the tundra to the large bush on the edge of the clearing.” 

July 2018 Bikenridge Useletter

By bikenridge | July 1, 2018

JULY IN BIKENRIDGE Oh, the sounds of summer, the clicks, swooshes, winding, and crackles of your bike on the trail, your heart pounding as you are just about to reach the summit and the polite “on your right” of the 13-year-old who just passed you going up-hill.  What? haha seriously!  The weather has been simply stellar […]

The Evolutionary Power of Ten-Year-Old Girls…and Donuts

By bikenridge | June 29, 2018

“How a hill got its name” The Evolutionary Power of 10-year-old girls and donuts.  What did Maddie Haser just say? Did she really just say “Donut Hill”? I was transfixed as she told Mountain Bike Junior League Coach Andrea Wilson about a Group Ride that took place an entire year earlier. I stopped and listened […]