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Courtney RMULadies

Ladies Bike Ride — Tuesdays at RMU in Breckenridge

By Courtney Hampton | July 24, 2024

Tuesdays at RMU in Breckenridge The other day, I was chatting with a biker friend, and she mentioned that RMU hosts “ladies” bike rides on Tuesdays at 5 PM. Intrigued, I decided to join in! Despite the rain, I headed out, unsure if the ride would still happen. To my surprise, eight other women showed […]

Mountain Biking in Crested Butte

By Courtney Hampton | June 18, 2024

Escape to Crested Butte with Bikenridge As soon as I cruised into Crested Butte, I made a b-line for my favorite pizza place in the universe, the Secret Stash. Now, I have heard that their traditional pizza is amazing, but being gluten and dairy-free, I wouldn’t know about that. It didn’t matter. I knew exactly […]

Betty’s> Lower Flume> Mike’s> Upper Flume loop

By bikenridge | May 14, 2024

  Early Season 6.96 Mile Loop, One Good Climb Moderate to Easy Good To Know: A great early season trail. It can be extended by adding in Middle or Upper Flume.  You will be on the Cty Rd. 450 and Reiling Rd. for a few minutes (be aware of traffic) and Parking is limited and […]

Trail etiquette, education

Trail Etiquette, Education and Overcrowding

By bikenridge | June 15, 2021

Trail Etiquette, Education and Overcrowding.  On most summer weekends, just as the sun begins to shine on the valley floor, a steady parade of cars descend on trailhead parking lots in Breckenridge. It used to be only during peak season, but 2020 saw a significant increase in visitors year-round. The visitors likely come from around […]

Moderate Trail Ride in Breckenridge the Firecracker 50

It took me a decade to ride the 25-mile Firecracker 50 loop, here’s why

By bikenridge | July 16, 2020

It took me nearly a decade to finally ride the 25-mile Firecracker 50 loop, here’s why. I’ve no grandiose delusions about my ability to climb Little French on my mountain bike. Little French is a legendary trail that, when seen in photos, looks relatively benign. Still, in reality, it’s a constant ascent with waves of […]

September 2019 Bikenridge Useletter

By bikenridge | September 2, 2019

SEPTEMBER IN BIKENRIDGE September in Breckenridge.  I say this every year, but it’s hard to believe September is already here! I hope you are all having a fantastic Labor Day weekend. I noticed a lot of hikers, bikers, and runners on the trail this weekend. Everyone I encountered was super courteous and friendly. There is still SO much […]

August 2019 Bikenridge Useletter

By bikenridge | July 31, 2019

AUGUST IN BIKENRIDGE Ahhh AUGUST in the Breckenridge.  The summer panic is starting to fade into a rhythmic routine of activities. You will find summer weather patterns that bring sunny bright morning and afternoon thunderstorms.  My favorite time to ride is right after a good rainstorm when the trails are tacky, the air has a sweet earthy aroma, and […]

July 2019 Bikenridge Useletter

By bikenridge | July 1, 2019

JULY IN BIKENRIDGE IT’S FINALLY HERE! Summer has arrived! The leaves are green, the trails are tacky, and you can hear child-like squeals of delight in the distance and its not always a child!  There is a faux-sense of panic that we must get EVERYTHING-IN while its still Summer.  This morning, my mind was swiftly […]

June 2019 Bikenridge Useletter

By bikenridge | May 30, 2019

JUNE IN BIKENRIDGE Mother Nature is working with us!  What a difference a day makes!  The header photo above was taken on May 30th.  Five (5) inches of new snow. No complaints here.  I’d rather see a few inches of snow and low fire danger than tornados and floods. The photo below was taken on May […]

May 2019 Bikenridge Useletter

By bikenridge | May 1, 2019

MAY IN BIKENRIDGE Hey All!  May in the high country is generally a lesson in patience. A few die-hard mountain bikers and road riders are out, bundled up and riding the Recpath and dirt roads getting their legs back in shape for the season.  May can be sunny and warm or cold and wet.  It’s a major […]