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March 2015 Useletter –

By bikenridge | March 7, 2015

  It was hard NOT to notice the beautiful blue-bird skies underlined by the snow-covered mountain tops and dark wintergreen treeline as I huffed it up Peak 8 this morning.  I am humbled by the locals and visitors who make skinning uphill part of their morning routine.  I got a bit of a late start […]

February 2015 – Useletter

By bikenridge | February 4, 2015

Hi All, Wow, it’s hard to believe it’s already February and one step closer to spring!  January was our month to celebrate SNOW. Our nod to the Norse Winter God, Ullr Fest, was as zany as usual and Ullr Bike under the stars proved popular with the Fat Bike masses. The International Snow Sculpture Championship […]

Ullr Bike! Fat Bike Racing in Breckenridge

By bikenridge | January 17, 2015

The ambiance of the event was heighten by the darkness, the headlights and the wide groomed snow-white course. Doing anything in the dark adds an element of thrill and fun anxiety to the situation.

January 2015 – Bikenridge Useletter

By bikenridge | January 4, 2015

Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season with lots of fun, laughter and relaxation.  This Useletter is getting out a little later then usual because the Holidays don’t officially end in our house until Monday, so woke with the sun (or snow) to sneak in some time with you. Congratulations to Taylor Shelden who was […]

Really Fat Tires: Winter Biking in Breck

By bikenridge | December 4, 2014

The cycling culture in Breckenridge is strong. And, Winter Biking promotes even more positive community interaction (think contagious grins)….

Holiday Useletter –

By bikenridge | December 4, 2014

RIDE. FAT BIKES. EAT. YUMMY. FOOD. SLEEP. DRINK. SMILE. HUG. SNUGGLE. SKI. LOVE. LAUGH.            BE MERRY!   Hope you are all planning on spending some time with friend and family this Holiday Season.  Of course this time every year, I reflect on the year the was.  It was a BIG year!  With the launched of in May, its been a roller coaster ride ever since.  I […]

November Useletter –

By bikenridge | November 2, 2014

I started this useletter twice, but was distracted, anxious and unfocused. The impending threat of snow was playing with my mind, so with the 5 tips to a smooth transition from off-season to winter on my mind, I suited up with a couple of light layers, pants, beanie and headed out the door.    I could see […]

bike and snow

5 tips to a smooth transition from Off-season to Winter

By bikenridge | October 6, 2014

It’s a similar dichotomy to the “angel vs. devil” conflict on your shoulder, but imagine a haloed, gleaming, nature-loving, mountain biker or runner vs. ear-budded, zoned out, boxed-in spinster or track rat with a heart rate monitor.

October Useletter –

By bikenridge | September 30, 2014

The first signs of winter are upon us … Snowy Peaks! It has been an amazing fall foliage viewing year. I sincerely hope you had a chance to get a few rides in to enjoy the burnt orange and multiple shades of yellow.  There is still a little time … this weekend might be the […]

Liam Doran – Many Faces

By bikenridge | September 22, 2014

His work will be featured at the Liam Doran Gallery Opening on Thursday, September 25th from 6pm to 9pm. The Gallery Opening will have a lot of local representation as many of the shots are of local riders, skiers and landscapes.