November Useletter –

I started this useletter twice, but was distracted, anxious and unfocused. The impending threat of snow was playing with my mind, so with the 5 tips to a smooth transition from off-season to winter on my mind, I suited up with a couple of light layers, pants, beanie and headed out the door.    I could see the weather on the peaks and the snow cloud slowly creeping over the mountains.  It was cool with a breeze, but I felt over dressed when two pre-teens totting their Halloween loot walked by in their shorts and a sweatshirt. Geez!   Was I over-thinking the weather?

The breeze was nipping at my heels and pushing me toward my favorite trail.  At one point, I stopped and almost turned back. I have been caught in snowstorms before and although some are fun, others are blastingly miserable.  I pressed on, knowing I was probably over thinking the weather AGAIN.

I must confess that for the last week my workouts have been a struggle.   My legs are heavy, my breathing is labored and I kinda just wanna eat more chips & salsa.  I even attempted a gym workout, but that also lacked luster probably due to my lack of motivation.  Where is my motivation?  So I decided to settle in, listen to my body and my own advise …. relax.    I backed down my pace and enjoyed the moment.

We are at the brink of winter.  Snow is in the air, the trail is mostly tacky with some icy spots and the trees are bare and a lonely deep brown.   With the trees blocking the brisk breeze, the conditions were instantly ideal.  I was soon feeling INVIGORATED and decided to go a bit longer to make up for the slower pace.  A short time later, I was passed on the trail by another who looked much fresher than I.   I like to say that I am not very competitive, but immediately, I perked up and was compelled to keep her in sight.  More importantly, I was INSPIRED … which made me think that maybe I need a GOAL.


GRATEFUL. I am grateful for my health and the ability to run, ride or hike in a beautiful place like Breckenridge, Colorado.  I am grateful every time I get home from a workout and feel invigorated and inspired.

With that said, I thought we might explore some of the Breckenridge options to increase invigoration and inspiration.

We should all be grateful for the Breckenridge Recreation Center  and everything that it offers. Check out the group fitness schedule for Pilates, Yoga, Body Pump and Cycling classes.  Grab a buddy and make a plan to attend – it will keep you accountable.   Step it up a bit with CrossFit Breckenridge. My first question was what is CrossFit?  You can drop in or sign up for classes.   And Coming Soon – The Breck Bike Guides spin studio and Fat Bike rentals.

Do you need an athletic GOAL to motivate you?  Again, Breckenridge and Summit County have a plethora of goal setting opportunities.  Starting with Breckenridge Ascent Series presented by Breckenridge Ski Resort and the Breckenridge Recreation Department.  It’s an uphill race from the base area with a timing crew at the top of each course.  Use your favorite uphill gear to get to the top … snowshoes, nordic skis or AT setups, but a snowboard or skis are required to come back down! An amazing workout and you will find see many mountain bikers participating in these races.

Can’t seem to separate from your Fat Bike?  Then consider the Leadville Winter Mountain Bike Series  starting in January with the Copper Mountain’s WinterBike.  There are 4 incredible bikes races in the series. Check it out!

And the ultimate winter goal, the skimo event of the season and the highest ski mountaineering race in North America … The Five Peaks presented by CAMP and right here in Breckenridge.   The Five Peaks is one of the races in the Cosmic – Colorado Ski Mountaineering Cup.  Sound interesting?  If so, here are the Top 10 Tips for Beginning Ski Mountaineers.

So in the spirit of gratitude, I am grateful that you are taking the time out of your busy day to read this useletter and I wish you and your family & friends a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday.

– Be Grateful, Motivate, Invigorate and Inspire those around you.

Get out and enjoy it!

Feel free to share this useletter with your friends! 
— Everything Biking in Breckenridge 🙂