October in Breckenridge is a kaleidoscope of climate. The change can be brutal or you can choose to roll with the patterns, colors, weather and embrace the change. That means accepting the obvious and also evolving our mentality and protoplasm (excited to use that word!). A few very wise men often quote, “There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.”
With that in mind, October in Breckenridge might be the perfect time to experience some of your favorite trails. October is a precious sliver of time as you can enjoy the last of the fall colors, empty trails and experience Breckenridge as a local.
There are many lodging and dining deals to be found this time of year. Don’t be surprised to find yourself sitting next to a local who is also enjoying the low prices and no crowds.
What’s Happening
BreckCreate has a calendar filled with the Music, Dance, and Adventure. Check out the events calendar, and in particular National Geographic’s Nat Geo Live: The Lens of Adventure.
Enjoy the lively Breckenridge Craft Spirits Festival October 23rd – 25th with a Poker Run, Historic Saloon Walking Tour, Breckenridge Distillery Tours and live music by the Honey Gitters.

Regardless of what you might think of this couple who has chosen to live totally in the Victorian Era and ride some really cool bikes, it’s the last sentence of her blog that really hit home for me: “This is why more people don’t follow their dreams: They know the world is a cruel place for anyone who doesn’t fit into the dominant culture. Most people fear the bullies so much that they knuckle under simply to be left alone. In the process, they crush their own dreams.” via Vox
Also on the horizon, I plan to read “Notes from a Blue Bike: The Art of Living Intentionally in a Chaotic World” by Tsh Oxenreider. It has been on my list of to-dos for a while, but I am determined to find the time. It’s about living simply and NOT according to society. She challenges herself and her family to an adventure of living life according to their passions and values. Let’s compare notes!
Behind the Scenes
This time of year I am able to take a breath and look back beyond the craziness of summer and reflect on what worked and what needs improvement. I am always learning! Last week I attended the inaugural Camp9600 right here in Breckenridge. It wasn’t your ordinary “marketing conference.” Camp9600 included bike rides or hikes, casual and instructional workshops and a lot of serious fun and engaging conversation. I was surrounded by so many incredibly creative and intelligent people, I realized how much MORE I need to learn. Highly recommended.
During Camp9600, my boyfriend introduced me to a gentleman by the name of Andrew Vontz of Strava. He had a super relaxed charm and had no business card (I like it). He was telling us about a Strava/Labs Project called Top Clusters . Top Clusters enables users to explore top Strava routes by distance and activity type worldwide … do a search of your next travel destination. Pretty cool!
Finally, I took your feedback and consideration to heart and decided to making the Bikenridge Useletter an April-to-October epublication with a break during the winter season. Well, you might hear from me from time to time during the winter season.
As always, thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read the Bikenridge Useletter! We want to hear from you!
Feel free to share this useletter with your friends using the links below!
Enjoy the Climb!
— Everything Biking in Breckenridge 🙂