May 2018 Bikenridge Useletter


May in Bikenridge! It’s the same every year.  There will be a spurt of unseasonably warm, sunny days with the sound of drip, drip, drip on the porch as the snow melts off the roof. Tiny tulip buds are pushing their way through the dirt and you feel the burning desire to do EVERYTHING.  It’s almost like a panic. I see it in myself and my neighbors. I look for every possible doable sport or activity that will keep me outside.  In one day, French Gulch Road saw me 2 times either running or riding. I picked up all the trash in my yard, swept my porch, and finally, relaxed on my patio. It was fabulous. And then, like clockwork, the forecast calls for clouds, rain and, yes, snow.  A small blizzard brought us a couple inches of wet, heavy snow last night, it happens.  The trails are sloppy and wet, so between the weather, a road ride is a great way to get on your bike.  There is construction between the Hwy. 9 round-about at Fairway Blvd. near Breckenridge and Revette Rd (Gold Hill).  The Rec Path has been detoured onto the road.   I want to ride my Moutain Bike. So French Gulch Road is easy-access for me.  I have been riding on the road, uphill, working to get my legs back and LOVE listening to the TED Radio Hour on NPR. Get the NPR App.  May showers bring June flowers! So let’s focus on getting ready for June!

If you are planning to ride Breckenridge in May, be sure you have an alternative indoor plan.  Breckenridge is known for its nightlife and amazing restaurants. In May, you won’t find much nightlife, but it’s a great time to try out some local eaters. To save a little dough and know which eateries ARE OPEN check out the Breckenridge Dining Passport.  The passport is full of coupons and the $10 Donation goes to scholarships for local Summit High School seniors. Valid April 16 to June 7th.   And for entertainment, check out BreckCreate and Megan Gafford’s Exhibit Hormesis April 5th to May 20th. Free. Created with tools commonly used in science, like microscopes and particle detectors, this exhibition features an immersive environment that invites you to wonder at how the world works. Wave: Light+Water+Sound May 31 to June 3rd. Cutting-edge works of contemporary public art featuring illuminated sculptures, projections and digital art on the riverfront.  And that is just the beginning!


June Race Schedule:

  • June  6         Frisco Roundup, presented by Basecamp
  • June 20        Gold Run Rush, presented by Lincoln Park
  • June 23        Breck Mtn Enduro 

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Some of the trails are drying out, so look for early season rides and always check the Trail Conditions before you head out!

Early Season Rides:
Betty’s> Lower Flume> Mike’s> Upper Flume loop – Early season 6.96 Mile Loop, one good climb moderate to easy.
B&B>Minnie Mine>X10U8 – 2.4-mile loop, easy to moderate with some climbing. Add trails for more mileage.

As always, THANK YOU for taking the time out of your busy day to read the Bikenridge Useletter.  We are interested and want to hear from you! 

Feel free to share this useletter with your friends.

Enjoy the Climb!
— Everything Biking in Breckenridge 🙂