August Useletter –

Happy August!   As you know, Biking in Breckenridge is good all summer long, but August is BIG in Bikenridge! Be sure to plan your get-a-way weekend or week. We give these local establishments the “thumbs-up”.

What inspires you to ride the longer loop? To commit to a clinic, race or group ride that might be just a bit beyond your riding skills?  Or to be a better human-bean?

Keep Moving!It isn’t always easy to put yourself out there, trust me I know, but with a little inspiration amazing things can happen.  I am inspired by forward thinking, humble people.  IMBA (International Mountain Biking Association) has a new women’s blog: Dig in – it’s fresh!

Kids on bikes inspire me! And when the community & families support those kids it really makes me smile. The young ladies & their coach, Jaime Brede, of the Cycle Effect Team are “outside the box” inspiring.  Volunteering for a trail project delivers an up close and personal look at a trail and can truly get you excited for your next ride AND you cash in on some good karma!

August Events
When I finally do commit to a race or group ride, I never find myself saying, “boy, I wish I had stayed home on the couch.” It just doesn’t happen.  On arrival, you are lifted by the passion and esprit de corps.  Fast & Fun, The SMC – Peaks Trail Time Trial will make your DAY or if you are thinking BIGThe Breck Epic is the coolest stage race in Breckenridge! Not THAT inspired, HA!, then check it out as an insider – Volunteer!  Or get inspired by those super fit world class racers and check out the USA Pro Challenge – Breckenridge Stage 5 finish!  The Pro Challenge is the headliner for the super groovy Breck Bike Week!  There is a lot going on in August!

Humor Health.  Are you a Strava fan? Or maybe you just like making fun of your boyfriend. If so, this will make you smile.  The Funkadelic Pond Crossing might inspire you to ride your bike over water.  Need some new shades? How about a fun bike tote to make your trip to the market a little special?  Finally, some great tips on keep you in the saddle!

“Your sense of humor is one of the most powerful tools you have to make certain that your daily mood and emotional state support good health.” ~ Paul E. McGhee, Ph.D.

Have you volunteered yet?
There is still time! Guaranteed good karma!

Friends of Breckenridge Trails, Volunteer Outdoor Colorado, Summit County Open Space and  Friends of The Dillon Ranger District.
As always, I would love to hear from you with comments, suggestions and ideas. I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day to read this useletter and want to make it information you look forward to reading.

Get out and enjoy it!

Feel free to share this useletter with your friends using the links below! 
— Everything Biking in Breckenridge 🙂