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Breck to Frisco Bike path

By bikenridge | May 9, 2014

8+ mile ride, Easy, Downhill, Out & Back, Paved Bike Path Good to Know: This is a good early season road ride. Great novice ride.  Expect Bike/Pedestrian traffic which can be heavy on the weekend. Be ready for weather. Parking: From I-70, drive south through Breckenridge on Hwy 9. You can park at Kingdom Park […]

Boreas Pass Climb to Top of Pass

By bikenridge | May 8, 2014

10 to 20 mile ride, Easy, Out & Back, Paved Road & Dirt Road Good To Know: This is a good early season road ride & beautiful Autumn Ride. Great novice ride if you like a good climb, so be ready. Expect vehicle traffic which can be heavy on the weekend. Be ready for weather. […]

Elite Women will race Tour de France in 14′

By bikenridge | May 6, 2014

It was a solid reaction with an encouraging message. There will be many ups and downs in the journey to your goal, but every step is a relative leap as compared to if you had done nothing at all…

Mountain Bike Mondays!

By bikenridge | May 2, 2014

…to create a safe environment for women to learn and progress in this amazing sport. From the girl who has never ridden a bike to the Pro’s, all are welcome. This is a fun, safe and encouraging place to learn to ride bikes. No pressure, and best of all its girl time!

For the Love of a Bike

By bikenridge | May 2, 2014

Do you remember your first bike? Odds are, you remember distinctly the color, the shape of the seat, it may have even had a name. Mine was a bright blue Schwinn.

Boreas Pass

By bikenridge | May 1, 2014

Know Before You Go: Well-maintained and gradual, this rad is excellent for novices. When the gate near the trailhead is closed, the road is snowy and wet. Cyclist should avoid this ride until the gate Opens. Expect vehicle traffic, which can be heavy on weekends. Boreas Pass is above timberline; be prepared for changing weather. […]

Sallie Barber Mine

By bikenridge | April 20, 2014

Know Before You Go: This scenic loop explores some of Summit County’s historic regions including Sallier Barber Mine, a well-preserved structure perched on a ridge above French Gulch. expect traffic on the lower French Gulch Road, which is surrounded mainly by private land for the first few mines. Please respect all “No Trespassing” signs. Most […]

Three Forks of the Swan

By bikenridge | April 20, 2014

Know Before You Go: Expect vehicle traffic on Tiger Road and some jeeps in the upper drainages. Private property (including many fragile mining structures) is common in the area. Respect all “No Trespassing” signs and view historic buildings from a distance. Parking: From Hwy 9 turn right onto Tiger Road ( by the Breckenridge Golf […]

Gold Run Road

By bikenridge | April 20, 2014

Know Before You Go: This area is usually the first to lose snow around Breckenridge and is often ridable by June. Large aspen groves also make this an excellent fall ride. Numerous side roads may make route finding a challenge and also provide some additional exploring. However, much of the land is private. To avoid […]

Rules of the Trail

By bikenridge | April 20, 2014

Expect varied Trail Conditions and pay attention to the signs … Rocky, rugged, steep is common in the high country.