
Interview by Carly Cummings, 15, High School Varsity Soccer, Ski Team and long time friend of Ezra.  Ezra Smith, 15, State and National Champion in Nordic Skate Skiing, Summit Velo Rider,  XC Mountain Bike National Champion 15-16 and High School Soccer. 

Carly Cummings, Ezra Smith

What would you want to be remembered for?
“MY FACE, just kidding, I want to be remembered for setting records as a freshman in high school! This year, I am a double state champion in Nordic skiing for my school team and went to nationals in Tahoe and returned as a national champion in Nordic racing for my club team. I enjoy participating in the high school nordic races and would like to race at the Olympic level later on in life. Every summer, I mountain bike as cross training because Nordic is mainly my favorite sport. This summer, I won the long track in Mammoth, California for mountain biking nationals.”

I’ve known Ezra since the 6th grade.  As a close friend, I call her Ezzy.  Without me, she wouldn’t have a social life.  The downside of being a double national champion in Nordic and Mountain biking, Ezzy never has time to hang out with friends anymore. She is always training.  The beauty about being her friend is when she becomes famous I can say, “I know her.” 

Photo by Daniel Dunn
Ezra Smith – Nordic Championships
Photo by Daniel Dunn

Where would you travel if you went back in time?
“I would travel back to the time when dinosaurs lived so I could train them to be a family pet.”

“I love Nordic Skiing and my friends,” says Ezra  “Mountain biking is cross-training for Nordic and it’s a blast biking out there in nature while competing.”  She has been riding a bike for 9 years. With 3 other siblings, it’s a great way to get away from all the chaos happening at home. Her Dad, Todd Smith, got her started on a typical tricycle and next thing you know, Ezra is racing with her Dad as a co-ed team in the 2015 Firecracker 50. 

Ezra’s Firecracker 50 experience didn’t go as planned. As she was approaching the leading women in the teams category on the Little French climb, she lost control and flew over the handlebars. With a flat tire and a bruised ego, she ended up walking down most of the way to meet her dad who saved the day, fixed her flat and she was able to ride the switch backs down to Carter Park to the team transition area.

Ezra Smith – Gold Run Rush

This was an unlucky day for Ezra, but only motivates her to train harder and compete smarter in the next race. In fact, the next races scheduled for her to participate in are the National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA) series, August 29th at the Frisco Peninsula, Frisco, Colorado.

What is the best advice you’ve been given?
Bike races are only 15 minutes to an hour so you should be able to go you’re hardest the whole time.”

If you could give a piece of advice to any athlete that is considering to start bike racing what would you say?                       “JUST DO IT, believe in yourself!”

Finally, if you could have dinner with three famous people whom would you choose?
Kikkan Randall (Olympic Nordic Skier), Marit Bjorgen (six-time Olympic Champion in Cross Country Skiing) and Barack Obama (President of USA)

Ezra’s Firecracker 50 experience didn’t go as planned.  As she was approaching the leading women in the teams category on the Little French climb, she lost control and flew over the handlebars. With a flat tire and a bruised ego, she ended up walking down most of the way to meet her dad who saved the day, fixed her flat and she was able to ride the switch backs down to Carter Park to the team transition area.