Boreas Pass

BoreasPass stats

Know Before You Go: Well-maintained and gradual, this rad is excellent for novices. When the gate near the trailhead is closed, the road is snowy and wet. Cyclist should avoid this ride until the gate Opens. Expect vehicle traffic, which can be heavy on weekends. Boreas Pass is above timberline; be prepared for changing weather.

Parking: From I-70, drive south through Breckenridge on Hwy 9. Turn left at the stoplight on the south end of town onto Boreas Pass Road. Drive 3.5 miles up this winding road to pavement’s end. Park in and pull-off on the left where the road becomes dirt.[/box]


Description: Begin climbing toward Boreas Pass. The ride follows an abandoned railroad grade, which was originally the route of the Denver, South Park and Pacific Railroad. This fairly smooth dirt road climbs gradually through beautiful aspen groves, making it a superb fall ride. Pass Baker’s Tank, which stored water for the railway use, at 3 miles (see the Baker’s Tank Loop ride). Continue climbing on the main road along the flank of Baldy Mountain. At the pass, you’ll have incredible views from the Continental Divide. Perched near the road is the recently restored Boreas Pass Section House. From the pass, return as you came. (The road actually continues another 11 miles down to the vast expanse of South Park and the small town of Como.)
Map & Information courtesy of Summit Daily, 2013 Bike Guide

Boreas Pass Map