August 2016 Useletter

Why Do We Do It?

What is your purpose, cause and your belief?
Why do you get out of bed before dawn?
Why do you suffer the elements and the fatigue just to get it done? 

I have been fixated on the “why” in my own fitness lately. Like on the outside looking in, I observe myself and others who subject themselves to pre-dawn rides in the darkness, runs through torrential downpours and quad-screaming climb to the summit. For some, including myself, I am motivated by the post-activity euphoria and the mental satisfaction of “getting er done” before work and then the silent accomplishment strut of success all day long. “Yeah, that’s right, I am bad-ass!”

It’s not always easy and some days you fight every ounce of your being to get out of bed or out of the door. I do it because I can. It sounds so simple and not particularly motivating on the surface, but imagine if suddenly you found your mobility and balance compromised. That, despite your mental and physical desire to ride or run or walk, you must suffer through your body’s breakdown. I have friends who are struggling with this TODAY.  I find myself motivated to embrace the small discomforts as well as the beauty of the day in the spirit of friendship. In that moment, I channel my emotions and strength in their direction with hopes that by some small miracle it helps.

Do it because you can!
What is your motivation?
A friend shared this inspiring blog post “Many Talk, Few Do: Building a Better You Takes Guts” by Lisbeth Darsh who really nails it on the “why” we choose to suffer.

Amazing things can happen when you discover and believe in the “why.”

What’s Happening

August 11th to 24th – Trail Mix – (BIFA) combines art, music, hiking and biking along Breckenridge trails through free outdoor concerts and environmental installations : Iowa Hill, Moonstone and Illinois Creek.
August 14th – Cycle In’ Cinema – part party, part screening showcasing independent bicycle-themed films from around the world.
August 14th to 19thThe Breck Epic – The only 6-day MTB Stage Race in Breckenridge. 6 days of amazing courses and “mid-90’s mayhem.”
August 24thPeaks Trail Time Trial – A local favorite from Breck to Frisco – Always a good time.

Get High For Flower Rides!

There is a sea of bright yellow, fuchsia, purple and green just waiting for you in the high country.  Start at the Burro Trail to Spruce Creek trail which is an intermediate trail that climbs next to with a babbling creek and clumps of pretty summer wildflowers.  Continue up Spruce Creek Trail until you hit the legendary Wheeler Trail.  The Wheeler Trail is a grunt and you may need to “hike a bike” in some spots, but it’s an amazing day-venture and wildflowers await your arrival.  Be sure to start early and be ready for weather. Bring food and lots of water. Be Prepared!  If getting high is not your cup-of-tea then go for the 7-mile loop – Betty’s>Lower Flume> Mike’s Trail>Upper Flume. Consider extending the loop and go left (out and back) on the Upper Flume to see even more stunning wildflowers.

As always, THANK YOU for taking the time out of your busy day to read the Bikenridge Useletter.  What would be of value to you?  More ride information? The best Bike Shops? I want to hear from you!

Feel free to share this useletter with your friends.

Enjoy the Climb!
— Everything Biking in Breckenridge 🙂

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