snow on mt. pride trail

A little fun on Mt. Pride Trail ….

Recently Jeff Westcott from Maverick Sports Promotion and I set out for some fun on the Mt. Pride trail.  Fun, is such a relative term because it can mean so many things to so many people.  We stuffed our small backpacks with bars, fruit and water, load up the shovels  and jump in his “Beast” of a pickup truck and headed up Baldy Road.  It was a gorgeous day and temps were in 60s and a little breezy. Everything is so green right now despite the fact that we have had little moisture all spring.  The 4-wheeling trail was fun and bumpy.  I always feel like an 8 year old on a wild roller coaster ride … yippie!  The pine trees smell fresh and trails are dry.  With so little snow this year, i am surprised the Mt. Pride trail still has snow.  We hike in with our shovels to find just a bit of snow and some small drainage issues that need to be addressed.  I love instant gratification of digging a drainage route for a water filled low spot!  The amount of riders who passed us along the way was great to see. Many of them knew Jeff, so they would stop to chat and ask about upcoming races.

Take the initiative and volunteer to help make our trails the best they can be. It is a great way to meet people and give back to the community.  If you use the trails  – an hour or two a year of volunteering is nothing compared to enjoyment those trails bring you throughout the year.  Check out the Friends of the Dillon Ranger District & Summit Fat Tire Society for volunteer opportunities.

Old Mt. Pride Mine ...
Mt. Pride Mine ..
Jeff Westcott
Great views
Rugged Beauty
Rugged beauty
Natural beauty
snow on mt. pride trail
snow on Mt. Pride Trail
More Snow on Trail
Snow on Mt. Pride Trail
A cleaner Mt. Pride Trail
Removing the Snow!
Riders enjoy the trail
Riders enjoy the trail